Head trauma

The causes Falls Car accidents Bicycle accidents Sports Beating or physical abuse Usually children recover from the most cases of head trauma without problems, but sometimes a hard head trauma can have serious problems and concussion (a rapid onset short lived impairment of neurologic function that usually resolves spontaneously and that may or may not [...]



What is asthma? Asthma is a condition that make it hard to breathe, but it doesn’t always cause symptoms. Anyway a child with an asthma attack can be in big trouble. Asthma attacks can happen when the airways become narrow and inflamed. Asthma can be familiar. The symptoms Wheezing or noisy breathing Coughing, at night, [...]


Febrile seizures

What are febrile seizures? Seizures are waves of abnormal electrical activity in the brain, are caused by a fever, make you pass out, or move and behave strangely, can occur in children from 3 months to 6 years, and often run in the families. What are the symptoms? During a febrile seizure a child usually [...]



What is fever? Fever is a rise in body temperature that goes above a certain level. The level that is considered a fever depends on how you take the temperature. Here are the values that are considered a fever. Rectal temperature above 100,4F or 38 C Oral temperature above 100 F or 37,8 C Armpit [...]
